Contact our Home today at 406-534-6464 and 406-534-3511
2 Locations Conveniently located in the
Heights of Billings, Montana.
Montana State License 31542 and 000000039
Jeanette Meyers 406-208-5870 Owner/Manager and Jessica Robinson 406-717-8764 Owner/Admin

Your Home Away From Home Services
With respect for your privacy and dignity, we provide these supervised services for our Residents, on a as needed basis. Upon move in a staff member, the resident and/or a family member or medical professional will complete a needs assessment and create a Personal Care Plan. The Personal Care Plan will define each resident's level of assistance with each of the following activities. We encourage all Residents to manage and handle their own daily activities but we are happy to lend a helping hand when they (or their medical professional) feel one is needed.
Grooming, toileting, and bathing- We assist with showers, morning and evening dressing, toileting or changing Depends or pads.
Housekeeping and laundry-We will dust, polish, disinfect, and vacuum to keep a tidy Home and Resident rooms. We take care of all laundry needs: bedding, towels, clothing.
Meals-We take pride in serving home cooked meals for Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Along with served snacks through the day. We have scheduled meal times so Residents can eat together but we also provide meals separately if meal time was missed. Residents are welcome to help themselves to food too.
Medication reminders and Medical treatment with our contracted Doctor-We will provide friendly reminds when medication is due and provide any necessary medical treatments instructed by the nurse or MD. Resident who have written Doctor's authorization can and are encouraged to manage their own medications.
Group and personal activities-We have a daily and weekly group events such as reading, puzzles, bingo, crafts, "salon" time, and any other suggested activities our residents enjoy. We encourage our residents to get up and active!
Transportation for appointments and errands-We provide transportation, in clean well maintained vehicles, to doctor appointments, offsite lunch dates, shopping errands to local stores, hair appointments, or family events when a ride is necessary.
And assistance or supervision in all other aspects of daily living necessary for a healthy, happy life.
For more independent Residents we help on an as needed basis.
Medical Visits
While we have our retired Registered Nurse on staff full time we do contracted with a local Medical Doctor performs scheduled rounds at our facility. He provides medical assessments, treatment plans and prescriptions as needed. We also provide transportation to medical appointments at local hospitals, doctors office and treatment facilities.
Specialist Services
With Doctor's orders we welcome specialists in our facility to help provide our Residents with the best care possible. We are happy to provide a convenient location for Respite care, physical therapists, or Hospice care.

1 hr
Consultation Meeting